


Name Variants Type Notation element
\arpeggio R an arpeggio sign

The \arpeggio tag displays arpeggio signs and should be applied to chords only. It has no effect on single notes.


Name Type Description Default value Optional
direction string up or down none true
  • up: to display an up arrow
  • down: to display a down arrow

See the Articulations example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\mordent \mord R a mordent


Name Type Description Default value Optional
note string a note, part of the ornament none true
type string prall, prallprall, inverted or prallinverted prall true
detune float note tuning (for microtonality) 0.0 true
accidental string cautionary or force none true
adx unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
ady unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
position string above, below above true
  • note is intended to indicate accidentals, the note itself is not displayed but the possible accidental does.
  • detune is applied to the note parameter and works similarly as \alter
  • accidental is intended is intended to control how the accidental is displayed

See the Ornaments example.
See the Bach example.
See the Sonata example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\trill \trillBegin \trillEnd R a trill ornament


Name Type Description Default value Optional
note string a note, part of the ornament none true
detune float note tuning (for microtonality) 0.0 true
accidental string cautionary or force none true
adx unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
ady unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
begin boolean for trill continuations on true
tr boolean show/hide the leading "tr" string true true
wavy boolean show/hide the wavy line true true
position string above, below above true
  • begin is intended for trill continutation. When false, the trill continues the preceding one (if any). It allows to write new trills with changing accidentals without breaking it.
  • tr show or hide the leading "tr" string

other parameters have the same effect as for \mordent

See the Ornaments example.
See the Sonata example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\turn R a turn ornament


Name Type Description Default value Optional
note string a note, part of the ornament none true
type string inverted, invertedb or regular regular true
detune float note tuning (for microtonality) 0.0 true
accidental string cautionary or force none true
adx unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
ady unit accidental displacement (if any) 0hs true
position string above, below above true
  • invertedb displays as a regular turn with a bar.

The parameters have the same effect as for \mordent

See the Ornaments example.
See the Sonata example.