
A chord is a list of notes and/or tagged notes, separated by commas and enclosed in braces.


All notes of a chord should have the same duration.
If this is not the case, the duration of the chord is the duration of the longest note within the chord; all other notes are interpreted as being succeeded by rests which compensate for the difference between their duration and that of the chord.

The notes within a chords do not have to be ordered with respect to their pitch; however, it is suggested to consistently write chords in either an ascending or descending order.

If for some note of a chord, duration or octave values are omitted, these are assumed to be equal to the last respective value specified in the current sequence; this applies also to the case where this value was specified for a preceeding note of the same chord.


{c1/4., e&1/4., g1/4.}   % c minor triad , ascending order   
{c1/4., e&,g}            % same as above, abbreviated notation   
{c#1/4, e#, g#}          % C-sharp major triad, ascending order   
{c2, dis1, a0, fis}      % four-voice chord, descending order   

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