
This example shows the use of the \accidental and \alter tags.

    \pageFormat<lm=1cm, tm=1cm, bm=1cm, rm=1cm>
    \key<1> \meter<"2/4">
    \acc<dy=-0.5hs,dx=-2hs>( c# ) % set accidental position
    \acc<size=1.4>(d&)            % set accidental size
    \acc( f# )                    % force a sharp
    \acc( c2 )                    % force a natural sign

    \alter<0.5> c                 % \alter is used without range
    \acc<"cautionary", color="blue">(c)
    \alter<-0.5>(c) b1            % \alter used with a range, applied to c only
    \alter<0> d a

SVG file generated using the GuidoEngine version 1.6.7 & # 2 4 _ X x x x x x x x # X x x x x x x x b X x x x x x x x # X h h h h h h h n X h h h h h h h ² X h h h h h h h Ñ X h h h h h h h Í X h h h h h h h ² X x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x