Ties & Space

This example shows the use of the \space tag that is used to insert more space for the meter, and to emphasize the last 'f' duration.

It illustrates the use of \tie including for tied notes inside a chord.

It makes also use of the \special tag.

    \pageFormat<lm=1cm, tm=1cm, bm=1cm, rm=1cm>
    \tieBegin< curve="down"> d 
    \meter<"3/4"> \space<1cm> \intens<"p",dx=-4hs,dy=-2hs>
    { \stemsDown  g, \headsReverse(d) \tieEnd, \tieBegin h } 
    { h \tieEnd, c}  
    \tie (f#/4 \acc<"none">(f#/4..)) 
    \special<"g", dy=-1, dx=-5> \special<"\166", dy=12, dx=-6.5> \space<2cm> _/4 { e/16, h } 

SVG file generated using the GuidoEngine version 1.6.7 & X x x x x x x x 3 4 p h h h h h h h h h h h h X X X h h h h h h h h h h h h h X _ X X h h h h h h h # X h h h h h h h . . g ¦ ¥ h h h h h h h h h h h K X X