


Name Variants Type Notation element
\cluster R transform 2 notes chords into clusters

The \cluster should be applied to a 2 notes chord and transforms the corresponding range into a cluster


Name Type Description Default value Optional
hdx unit displacement relative to the chord 0hs true
hdy unit displacement relative to the chord 0hs true

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\cue R cue notes

Regarding the notes, the \cue tag is equivalent to \noteFormat tag. Cue notes are colored in blue by default. You can override that with \noteFormat


Name Type Description Default value Optional
name string the cue description none true
Supports font parameters



Name Variants Type Notation element
\displayDuration \dispDur RP display an arbitrary duration for a note

The duration to display is indicated by a rational value. Provision is also made to display dots.


Name Type Description Default value Optional
n integer the duration numerator none false
d integer the duration denominator none false
ndots integer the number of dots 0 true

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\dotFormat RP control the dots format

The \dotFormat tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, the format is applied up to the next format specification or to the end of the voice.

\dotFormat is a way to introduce common parameters to dots.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\grace R display grace notes

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\harmonic R an harmonic sign

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\mrest R when applied to a whole measure rest, indicates the measures count.


Name Type Description Default value Optional
count integer a measures count none false

Common parameters are applied to the measures count only. You can use the \restFormat tag to control the rest appearance.

The tag is ignored when not applied to a rest. When the rest is not a full measure rest, the rest appearance is preserved and the count is still displayed.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\noteFormat RP control the notes format

The \noteFormat tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, the format is applied up to the next format specification or to the end of the voice.

\noteFormat is a way to introduce common parameters to notes.


Name Type Description Default value Optional
style string the notehead style (see below) standard true

The notehead style should be among "diamond", "x", "square", "round", "triangle" and "reversedTriangle".

In addition, each style supports 3 types of variations that consist in enclosing the string into (), <> or [].
For standard notehead, these variations are simply the "()", "<>" or "[]" strings.

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\octava \oct RP displays an octava sign and transposes the notes accordingly


Name Type Description Default value Optional
i integer a signed number of octaves (up or down) none false
hidden bool hides the octava sign false true



Name Variants Type Notation element
\restFormat RP control the rest format

The \restFormat tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, the format is applied up to the next format specification or to the end of the voice.

\restFormat is a way to introduce common parameters to rest.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\headsCenter RP moves the notehead centered on the stem

The \headsCenter tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, it is is applied up to the next head specification or to the end of the voice.

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\headsLeft RP force the notehead to the left of the stem

The \headsLeft tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, it is is applied up to the next head specification or to the end of the voice.

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\headsRight RP force the notehead to the right of the stem

The \headsRight tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, it is is applied up to the next head specification or to the end of the voice.

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\headsNormal RP cancel a previous head specification and reverts to normal head position.

The \headsNormal tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, it is is applied up to the next head specification or to the end of the voice.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\headsReverse RP moves the notehead on the opposite side of the normal position

The \headsReverse tag supports both a range and a position form. For the latter, it is is applied up to the next head specification or to the end of the voice.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\stemsOff P disable stems drawing

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\stemsAuto P cancel \stemsOff and enable automatic stems direction


Name Type Description Default value Optional
length unit the stem length 7.0 true

See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\stemsDown P force stem direction to down


Name Type Description Default value Optional
length unit the stem length 7.0 true

See the 4 voices example.
See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\stemsUp P force stem direction to up


Name Type Description Default value Optional
length unit the stem length 7.0 true

See the 4 voices example.
See the notes example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\tie \tieBegin \tieEnd R tie between successive notes

The ties parameters are similar to those of slurs. However, apart from moving the curve 'up' or 'down', there is no reason to change the other parameters.

See the Tie example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\tuplet R control tuplets format


Name Type Description Default value Optional
format string a format string for shape control none false
position string below or above above true
dy1 unit displacement of the left anchor point 0 true
dy2 unit displacement of the right anchor point 0 true
lineThickness float the tuplet line thickness (if any) 4 true
bold boolean to use bold font false true
textSize float the text size 1 true
dispNote string a note duration none true
  • the format string must be in "x", "-x-", "x:y", "-x:y-", or "--" where 'x' and 'y' are the numbers and '-' denotes the presence of left and right tuplet braces.
  • textSize is a ratio: 1 is for nominal size
  • dispNote is similar to \displayDuration: it forces the notes appearance whatever their duration. The dispNote string must be in the form "/n", where n is a number (e.g. "/16" to display sixteenth notes)

See the notes example.