


Name Variants Type Notation element
\crescendo \cresc
\crescBegin \crescEnd
R crescendo sign


Name Type Description Default value Optional
dx1 unit start position displacement 0 true
dx2 unit end position displacement 0 true
deltaY unit control the open end of the hairpins 3 true
thickness unit the line thickness 0.16 true
autopos string when 'on', try to automatically avoid collisions off true

See the Dynamics example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\decrescendo \decresc
\crescBegin \crescEnd
\diminuendoBegin \diminuendoEnd
\dimBegin \dimEnd
R crescendo sign

Parameters for decrescendo are the same as for crescendo

See the Dynamics example.



Name Variants Type Notation element
\intensity \intens
P dynamic marks


Name Type Description Default value Optional
type string a dynamic string none false
before string a string displayed before the dynamic mark none true
after string a string displayed after the dynamic mark none true
autopos boolean when 'on', try to automatically avoid collisions off true
  • supported dynamic strings are "p", "pp", "ppp", "pppp", "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff", "mf", "mp", "sf", "sfz", "rfz" and "fz"

See the Dynamics example.