Peter C. Lutkin
Peter C. Lutkin - The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Source: Mutopia project
\pageFormat<"A4", tm=6cm>
\title<"The Lord Bless You and Keep You">
\title<"In Memory of John Paul Goodman (1943-2018)", dy=-7, fsize=14pt>
\title<"For Brass Quartet", dy=-12, fsize=12pt>
\composer<"Peter C. Lutkin", dy=9>
\composer<"Ed.: J. J. Olson", dy=4>
\systemFormat< dx=2cm> \instr<"Trumpet I", autopos="on">
\clef<"g"> \key<2> \meter<"C", autoMeasuresNum="system">
\tempo<"[1/4] = 66">
\i<"p"> a |
a/2 f#/4 d/8 d
e/4 g f#. \breathMark a/8
\cresc(a/4 f#/8) a d2/8. c#/16 b1/8 f#
\dim(a/4 g#) a _
% measure 5
_/8 f# g f# b/4 _
_/8 a b a d2 _ _ \crescBegin a1
\beam (a f# \crescEnd a d2) f#/8. d/16 a1/8 f#
\dim(a/4 g f#) \breathMark f#/8 b
\tieBegin b/2 \beam (b/8 \tieEnd a f# a)
% measure 10
\crescBegin<dx2=-2> d2/4. d/8 \dimBegin d/4 \crescEnd b1 \dimEnd
_ _/8 b a/4. \crescBegin d/8
\stemsUp b \crescEnd a _/4 a g
f#/2 \dim<dx2=3> (e
d/4) \i<"p", dx=-3>_ _/2
% measure 15
_/1 \stemsAuto
\text<"cresc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ", fattrib="i", dy=-3>
(_/4 \slurBegin c#2 f# e
d \slurEnd \slurBegin f# a \acc(g))
\i<"f", dy=-2> f# e d \text<"dim. poco a poco e", fattrib="i", dy=-3> (c#)
b1/2. \slurEnd \slur<h=3, dy1=3, dy2=1>(c2/8 b1
% measure 20
a/2.) \ritBegin<dy=-1, dx=-1> \slurBegin<"up", dy=2> b/8 a
g/4 e a b \slurEnd
a/1 \ritEnd
\i<"pp"> \dim<dx1=3, dx2=15>(\fermata (a))