Guido Engine settings

The layout of a score is under control of a set of system parameters. Since version 1.7.7 of the Guido Engine, theses parameters can be specified at gmn level using special system variables.
Note: once a script includes system variables, it isn't any more under control of the global engine settings.

Parameters names

The variables name below are reserved named.

    Control the distance between systems, distance is in internal units.
    Type : float
    Default value: 75

    Control the systems distribution.
    Type : integer
    Default value: 1
    Possible values are:

      1 auto distribution  
      2 always distribute  
      3 never distribute  
    Maximum distance allowed between two systems, for automatic distribution mode.
    Distance is relative to the height of the inner page.
    Type : float
    Default value: 0.25 (that is: 1/4 of the page height)

    Force value of the Space-Force function.
    Typical values range from 400 to 1500.
    Type : float
    Default value: 750

    The spring parameter.
    Typical values range from 1 to 5.
    Type : float
    Default value: 1.1

    A boolean value to control the use of the Neighborhood Spacing algorithm.
    Type : boolean
    Default value: false

    A boolean value to control the use of the Optimal Page Fill algorithm.
    Type : boolean
    Default value: true

    A boolean value to tell the engine to resize the page to the music content.
    Type : boolean
    Default value: true

    A boolean value intended to check and resolve lyrics collisions.
    Type : boolean
    Default value: false

System variables types

A system variable expects a given type of value (indicated for each variable). These type are the following:

  • integer: an integer value
  • float: a floating point value. Integers are converted to float.
  • boolean: accepts integer values and the strings 'false' or 'true'

When a value doesn't match the expected type, the system variable is ignored.


The following variables are unchecked, i.e. their values are passed to the system with a minimal control : the values are rejected only when <= 0. However, using values outside their expected range may result in very strange layout and even in system crash.